sherborne A town with learning at its heart

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At Sherborne we believe we have a right to claim uniqueness.


We are a boys' school and a girls’ school, both full-boarding, both located right next to each other in a small, bustling Dorset town. And because the two schools overlap in so many places, the opportunities for joint activities within the normal school everyday, are endless – from music to sport, from drama to the debating society, from joint socials to coffee in town. This combination of circumstances is a rare privilege. The best of both worlds.




but not as you know it






Click here to read the Sherborne Boys

prospectus and here to find Sherborne Girls. If you

are interested in both Sherborne Girls and Sherborne

Boys for your children, please contact the Admissions 

Department at either School, they will be very happy

to help.


Our belief is that a single-sex environment in the classroom and in boarding houses allows for focus without distraction, while an active co-curricular and social programme between the two schools offers all the advantages of a co-educational experience.



The combination of energy and enthusiasm, with single-sex focus and joint activities at every turn, brings about a remarkable change in the child, which is why our ‘value-added’ scores are so high. Between arrival at Sherborne and departure, the transformation is astounding. The girls say this, the boys say this. The parents and the staff say so too.


